Last day in the field! Out with Lemboi and Raphael to collect some final ant specimens.
Finally connect with collaborator at National Museums of
Spent afternoon packing up and get a little run in – happy to be able to run around and move my body as I have a 40 hrs of sitting ahead of me.
Drive out to couple’s house for dinner and enjoy another great meal. Not more than 2 minutes after leaving their house, head lights go out. And then pop back on. And then go out. And then pop back on. Repeat 4 more times. Decide it’s best to try and turn around and stay at house for night. Turn around at junction with main road (illuminated by flashlight) and try to find correct path back in the dark. Two attempts do not produce the answer. Have conversation with passenger and decide that, since brake lights are functional, safe (enough) to try to drive back on main road to station with flashlight for forward illumination. Takes awhile, but arrive safely without further incident (and enjoy lovely conversation in the process).
Enjoy post-lunch cribbage on veranda, too hot to be awake so take a little siesta.
Pack up samples and organize stuff for travel.
As waiting to head out with some with folks for a (domestic) dog walk, hear dikdiks *screaming* and see them running towards the station. As driving away from station, someone from village runs up and reports wild dogs were seen close to Mpala. So turn around and within half a mile two more guys come running up pointing the way. We’re on the chase! But only for a minute or so – they’re lying in the middle of the road.
Tummies look full (bellies distended) so likely just ate. Suddenly they get up to hunt and we follow them a big circle, just miss their kill. See one trotting back with something (dikdik?) hanging from its mouth.

Catch folks on skype before heading to bed. I guess after 30 yrs of marriage you start to look alike…
After lunch, poke at warthog in tree, drug up by leopard after its kill.
Sort through some more samples.
Incredible night drive! See a Leopard in tree, Striped hyena, African wild cat, 6 jackals, and Zorilla!