
Today’s highlights are culinary: French toast with bananas and papayas, spaghetti (my favorite meal thus far) and salad, and some awesome carrot-like cake. Got me through of day of battling Word’s auto-formatting on my manuscript, but successfully got a version off my (virtual) desk. Watched attempts at tattooing (already dead) lizards’ bellies as way to permanently mark them. Turns out a using a regular tattoo needle is much too blunt and is not an appropriate procedure, as the primary result is simply a smear of what would likely be a lethal dose of ink. Get some syringes from the Wild dog folks, and those appear to be too blunt, too. Perhaps a sewing needle??

Some folks went on drive tonight and came across a herd of elephants around sunset. Here's a cool one of the crew, hungry baby included.

Beautiful clear night. Enjoying some (surprisingly not half bad) South African wine out of box and catching up on email. It’s well into Friday night here, but only mid-day back home; it appears many folks are using their Fri afternoon to catch up on correspondence… :)

Last one to leave the lab, and it’s eerily quiet on the 3 min walk to my banda. I catch a bunch of rabbits in the beam of my flashlight – their bright orange eye shine make them look like something Stephen King would write about. A high layer of clouds has come in and the light of the almost full moon gleams across the sky.

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