
Go into field to do some baiting (=tuna) to look at ant activity and their behavior, i.e. fighting. Good: Skype in morn. Bad: Toaster ate crappy bread, someone stole my egg order. Good: Meet up with field assistants on time. Bad: Vehicle has flat tire. Good: Fastest tire change I’ve ever witnessed. Bad: Field assistant can’t drive. Good: I managed to drive a standard without crashing or stalling. Bad: In field, can’t find assistant at designated meeting location. Good: I get more driving practice, he wasn’t gored by a buffalo, and we up finding each other.

Relax a bit after lunch and finish reading “A Primate’s Memoir.” Highly recommended. Figure out research permit details and do a little office work.

Knees feeling better but looking worse.


Anonymous said...

yeah.. sorry about the eggs, but I was hungry.. I'll make it up to you somehow.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading Primate's Memoir right now, too!! It's SOOOOOO good! It reminds me of your adventure.

Anonymous said...

i like your good v. bad writup, it's very concise.
good to see some pictures of you, even if it's only your knees. i'll write you a real note soon.
