
Arthur arrives! And Sarah's not there! As Arthur rests in a butcher shop/bar after the quickest Matatu ride ever from Nairobi to Nanyuki, this kind lady offered use of her cell phone so Arthur could call and politely ask "Where are you?"
Hop in the truck with the girls and drive into town. Come across some roadkill -- an aardwolf.
That's good bait! So we toss in on the bonnet for future use...

Head to the airstrip for some tasty lunch. And a tourist pic op in front of the rhino sculpture.

Head to the flea market and then to the grocers for some tasty provisions. Drive to the station and enjoy some appertizers outside the banda.

Arthur brings cheese! To which the ants show their great appreciation...

Welcome to Mpala!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What's it like driving on the other side of the road? Did you ever mess up? Driving on the left is so ingraned in me, I'd be afraid that I'd forget...