Go out to the black cotton, set a couple tuna baits around a glade, and do a little hand collecting around termite mounds (don’t want to disturb pitfall trapping that’s in progress). This morning I have my first signs of gastro-instability. Luckily a few peptos calmed the storm.
Driving back from field, we see some baboons crossing the road in front of us. Large male hangs by side of road and stares as us we approach. Not more than 90 s later: elephants! Two females and a li’l one slowly ambling away (Of course no camera today!)
Later in the afternoon I chat with a collaborator about the current state of the project and some of my ideas. Shoot some White-browed sparrow weavers nest making outside the lab. End the day by going to Lookout Rock with a friend and enjoy some Pilsner brand lager beers(?!), an on-looking Rock hyrex,
and watching the sun set
and the moon rise
I write an ant guru guy who did some intensive ant sampling around Mpala a few years ago. Don’t expect to hear anything for awhile, if ever. To my grateful surprise, a few hours later get response, along with preliminary key to ants. Includes many unidentified species, but a nice introduction to the area and a key to species identifications. Recognize my weird excitement reading about in-depth descriptions of dead Kenyan insects. “Dork on!” as my mom would say J
Return to banda to find door wide open – must not have latched completely when I left. Baggie full of Powerbars has hole torn in and one is missing a big rodent-sized chunk. Nice.
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