
Successfully made it out to the black soil system today. On the drive out saw two zebra rumps as they ran away, and heard myself audibly gasp. Walked around the experiment plots, always keeping an eye out for elephants and buffalo. Get feeling of lifelessness here during dry season. But came across two areas of matted grass. About a week ago folks stumbled across a dead giraffe, and within a few days none of it remained. The other spot was where a lion took down a zebra, and within 48 hours the only remaining evidence was a layer of dried grass: its stomach contents. After lunch went out to the red soils and learned of some large mammal exclosures (=large electric fences) that were set up about 10 years ago. No door to the exclosure, so you need to twist a ground wire to the live wire twice to kill the juice, and then squeeze through. Helped look for some harvester ants for another researcher. Didn’t find any, but did see about 5 species of ground-dwelling ants. Might have to dork out a little ant project in there…

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