Catch up on lab work, organize samples. Rainy day, but get in the longest run yet! Not enjoying the damp, cold night.
First day back on the job she discovers one of the African wild dog’s collars is transmitting the ‘dead’ signal. She goes out and finds it, and follows it up with a necropsy. I get to play photographer and witness all the gory details (Warning: the following is not for the squeamish)
After prepping, investigate the dog (old alpha male) for the cause of death.
The puncture wounds in the neck and chest probably did him in, especially
considering his worn teeth wouldn’t have helped much in the fray.
The rain clears, and I take a breather. Including holding up the rainbow.
Return to see the stomach contents. And a lovely view of the small intestines. Tapeworms included.
Highlights of the past week include seeing ants collect all the dead termites after an aardvark digs up a big mound, playing more tennis, sundowners and a farewell party, a birthday phone call with dad, and seeing a zebra carcass, killed by a lion.
Oh, and receiving a necklace from Barnard. Very sweet – he walked quickly to the car, got in and pulled the necklace out of his pocket, and handed it over, not a word spoken. I said “Very nice!” unsure if it was a gift or not, and he kept on holding it out to me. So I asked “For me?” and he said yes! I’ll have to post a picture of it…
Out in field for more bagging, go with grad student to show the technique, might strike up a bit of a collaboration here. Back at station make some more bags and then enjoy some scotch and cribbage with a friend. I dig out my ipod and external speakers and we sing (er, screech) along to
Listen to a few tracks of “Wild animals of
Back to the field, bag more trees. At lunch hear reports of leopard resting in the top of tree not far from the main escarpment road. A bunch of us drive up there and get a great peek at it before it leaps out. Spend some more time nosing through the Rough Guide to
Talk of tennis over lunch (one trustee donate money specifically to fix up a clay court) and it happens in the late afternoon! It’s so surreal to be playing tennis the African bush. At one point some impala snort at use, and we stop to watch a giraffe splay its legs and bend its body to drink from the watering hole. While emailing in the office after dinner see some flashlights through the window, and come out to discover a Puff Adder is hanging around the lab! Wonder what the askari will do with it, and then see the large axe in hand…
Okay day in the field, but as I head back to station, can feel the anxiety of having to stop at the gate and start from an uphill stop with a vehicle packed w field assistants. Luckily I don’t kill it and only slightly peel out…
Head out to field with a friend of visiting researcher and have fun describing what I do and appreciate the help my first day back in awhile! Also first day out with new askari/field assistant. Learn quickly that he doesn’t really speak English, but have fun describing things using non-verbal cues (i.e. lots of gesticulating and smiling). At lunch learn that I have 6 mail slips in the mail slot, some of then dated 27 June. Guess those care packages did in fact arrive in Nanyuki! Spend the afternoon doing some data entry and organizing samples. Feels so good to do some stretching after being laid up for awhile. After dinner officially submit the OSU post-doc.
Today’s a low key recovery day. Sleep in, catch up on lit, plan out fieldwork. Have a nice chat with my mom. Friend picks up some (ridiculously cheap, no prescription needed) drugs in Nanyuki. His wife (an MD) thinks the chronic, cyclic GI troubles may be due to Giardia, so I take the special anti-protozoan meds and hope for the best.
I cannot believe this. It felt so good to be back at Mpala, and not 8 hrs later I feel so bad. Woke up at 5am with a slightly nauseous feeling. As soon as I get up I feel the sudden, explosive urgency. I make it to the bathroom just in time and experience my first truly simultaneous GI explosions. Feel better after it all comes out, but now I’m exhausted and weak and need to clean out the wastebasket. Awesome.
Sleep in and lay around all morning. Muster up some strength to get water and some dry tea biscuits for a little energy. Sit outside and read for a bit, a friend comes by and we shoot the shit for awhile. Head over the Director’s house for some sundowners (I drink my oral rehydration solution) and manage to get a little food in my belly for dinner.
We spent some time with 'Moroni' the tame rhino and even got to touch him. He felt like solid, ancient wood.
and just hang out.
After all the traveling feels great to return to Mpala!
Up early, can’t charge my computer (no compatible outlet) so been writing out notes on talk. Head to conference, finally crack open the computer, and make changes to the ppt, and upload the talk. Catch a few talks, practice talk one more time, and finally, four days in and at 17:00 I give it. The podium is completely lateral to the screen, and I’m a big wigged out as I approach and move away from the mic to highlight things on the screen. Overall happy with how it goes and get some good feedback. Head out with ant crowd at night and we enjoy some “table taps” (=tall tube o beer with tap which sits on table) and a communal dinner of assorted appetizers, the most tender chunk of pork on the bone I’ve ever had, and some take-out chicken from “Mondos” – technically fast food, but it’s the juiciest, tastiest, perfectly spicy chicken I’ve had in a long time. While walking from Mondo’s back to the hotel we consider hitting up the oddly named “Action Bar,” but even with a whole crew assembled, we decide it’s probably not in our best interest.
Hit a whole slew of talks and realize there’s a ‘Beach Party’ put on by the conference just a few hundred feet from my hotel. We’re greeted by dancers and we enter a huge tent with a huge buffet and two bars on the sand. Run into a few folks I know and spend a good chunk of time by the water eating and drinking with them. Check out the band under the tent that play American pop songs with an African beat and watch the academics turn it loose on the dance floor. By the end of the night us ant geeks have found each other and end up joining the lifeguards in a game of chuck-the-frisbee-like-plastic-chair-tops down the beach. After that gets old, I walk across the street and turn in for the night.
Work on talk a bit in the morning. Work out in hotel exercise room, lame but really need to move. Head to airport and fly from
Start travels down to
Wake up feeling stable. At breakfast hear about eles tearing down water tank – apparently they really go for the clean water. Work on the Smithsonian progress report. Enjoy a successful skype to cell phone call from the folks. Plan to go out in the field but boots still caked in mud. So strap them on and take them into the shower with me. Worked pretty well.