
Relaxing Sunday morning, ‘read the paper’ online, do some laundry, including some wax covered pants, and read a book outside the banda. Realize if I orient my chair just so I can get a decent view of Mt. Kenya. Enjoy a mid-morning snack of left-over birthday cake. Don’t feel great after lunch and use the time to catch up on some blogs. Find another ‘cribbage-head’ and enjoy my first card game in Kenya. There are some rumblings of organizing some euchre as well… By evening I’m all bundled up and afraid I’ve got a fever. Decide to trade in night game drive for an early night of sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you can find some folks to play euchre with. Brings me back to mine and Mary's trip out to VT to see you. Lots of time spent playing Euchre and drinking wine! Ah that was such a great trip! Lots of good times with you, Mikey, Ethan and of course Mary! Hope you are doing well and that you can make it down to Jacksonville sometime in '08 during all your travels! Love--E