
Station was buzzed early this morn by small prop plane used by wild dog researchers, not the worst alarm clock I suppose. Delighted to see pancakes for breakfast with some papayas and pineapple. Read the New York Times, copy some recipes I’m excited to try. Watch a cardinal woodpecker make some racket outside the window. Finally find a fribee buddy and toss a disc! So happy!

Flush out details for sampling protocol for next couple weeks. Get an email with some great insect data – appears a potential collaboration is coming to fruition. Proposed some community ecology ideas a few weeks ago to a grad student who did a lot of work in the glades. Going to analyze his data with some models I used for my grad work, hopefully add another layer of information to understand how land use affects insect communities, and how this may be connected to bird diversity. Can’t believe that I’m leaving in a few weeks, but feeling good about the different projects getting off the ground.

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