
31 May 08 – 01 Jun 08

Minneapolis to Chicago to London to Nairobi

Everything on time, but very full flights and get little to no sleep. In Nairboi no customs issues and get a bit worried about luggage when one piece came relatively quickly and then wait over 30 minutes for the other (which turns up on a different carousal). So nice to see the hotel’s taxi driver holding my name on placard upon arrival. Share taxi to hotel with woman from Columbia here to give training on sustainable coffee agriculture. Take a life affirming shower, exhausted but can’t sleep at hotel.

Remember how empty the plane was to Nairboi when flew in Jan. Pro: was able to sleep. Con: was totally freaked out that no one was traveling to Nairobi. Overall, nice to have a sense of what to expect during this trip (travels, people, project… pretty much everything).

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