
Start to get settled, get computer hooked up to Mpala’s network, dig myself out of inbox. Work on final changes to a manuscript. Want to figure out how to stain plant roots for the presence of mycorrhizal fungus which aids in plants’ acquisition of nutrients. (The fungus actually penetrates the plants’ cell walls and transports nutrients to it – in return the fungus gets energy (carbon) from the plant).

Want to get a little exercise but lots of eles around station, so Alison and I take a cautious bird walk around the ring road, and then I run a lap. Afterward run into Tyler (about to finish a 6 month stint at Mpala looking at the reproductive behavior of Starlings) and manage to throw a disc around a bit. Yay!

As come back to banda at dusk to take a shower, see remains of fire lit in the late afternoon to heat our water.

Head out on first night game drive and see lots of eles and watch a Bat eared fox munching on some insects. On the way back come across bunch of zebras in the road, lined up single file. Each one follows, almost to the exact step, the one in front. The leader stayed in the road for a good mile or two, so we puttered behind this zebra congo line for awhile.

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