Do some supply shopping online and arrange for another researcher to bring them when she comes in a few weeks.
Learn about a master’s thesis that was done at Mpala on nitrogen fixation (some plants form nodules on their roots in which bacteria live; the bacteria are about to ‘fix’ nitrogen, i.e. convert it from its atmospheric form, N
2, to a form that usable to the plants, NH
3). Hunt it down in the library and start reading up.
Outside of office spy an African paradise flycatcher and snap a picture of a pair of Lesser striped swallows.
Very sleepy, try to nap, but a shower and some stretching wake me up a bit. When return to banda see that squirrels will work to
eat tangerine flavored lip balm. Drive with couple to eat some South Indian food at researcher’s house who lives off of Mpala. En route, get the closest I’ve ever gotten to a Buffalo,
see some jackals, and first time I see a stripped hyena in daylight, got a great view (for a few seconds) as it loped off into the bush. Amazing Indian food, and get to see some pictures of the wedding in India. As we drive through the gate back into Mpala, guard warns us that eles are everywhere. Get dropped off right at banda door. Can hear eles ripping down trees ~ 40 feet away. Impalas are also hanging with them tonight, so when shine flashlight see 30 sets of eyes staring back.
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