Have a meeting with a few researchers to share project findings, current ideas.
As soon as think about going for run hear elephants trumpeting. So Alison and I run some laps on the busy half of ring road with lots of foot and vehicular traffic: less chance of ele presence and high chance of ele detection. Also do some ‘dynamic resistance’ strength exercises. Feels so good to move my body!
Head out for a night game drive – a bunch of folks are interested so we all (=9) load up in a huge land rover with two roof hatches and lots of space. Right away we get the two best views of the night: a few hippos out of the water and a big ole Eagle-owl perching on a branch. Also spy a giraffe right along side of road and get a few glimpses of an aardwolf, genet, and zorilla. Right as we see a spotted hyena lying in the grass and gazelles frantically running around, the spotlight goes out: the plug that goes into the cigarette lighter outlet is totally melted. So *that* was the hot plastic we were smelling before…
Aardwolf, genet, and zorilla?! Are you making things up? ;) Is Africa a major source of cross-bred weird and wacky animals? Some funny images come to mind...striped gorillas? wolves with elongated snouts and body armor? or roving packs of carnivorous armadillos? Africa rocks!!! (Sorry to hear about your explosive evening though!)
the glasses next to the overladen wasp for scale is wonderful. Pleasure to be reading you again.
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